Graduate Fashion Week

Saturday, 7 June 2014

(denim jeans - topshop, black shirt - zara, white tee - Cos, loafers - zara, bag -zara, culottes - zara)

Lucky enough to help out at Graduate Fashion week in Brick Lane at the weekend with the Northumbria show, just dressing models etc and see some of the amazing pieces the design students had created, didn't see any of the other uni's unfortunately but have had a look online! 
Thankfully the weather was so nice in london the weekend we went down, but as usual spent most of the time sight-seeing, shopping and eating.

Summer Shoes

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

These are the shoes (mostly black, not good for heat but...) that i've had my eye n this summer. I can't afford them all but hopefully i'll soon own 2,3 pairs!
What do you guys think?


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